Aquatic Vegetation Management & General Environmental Control
Swimming, fishing, boating, and enjoying a body of water is a favorite past time in the spring and summer months in the Hudson Valley, NYC and Connecticut. Weeds and Algae can spoil the enjoyment and the appearance of a body of water. LIFE Inc specializes in providing aquatic weed control services for its customers. We use best management practices to control undesirable weed and algae growth. Our applicators are highly experienced, stay up to date on emerging technologies, and are dedicated to providing the highest levels of customer service.
One of the most effective and selective control methods of invasive algae and aquatic plant growth is USEPA approved herbicides and algaecides. To control the growth, it is important to determine the exact aquatic plant growing within your lake or pond. LIFE Inc identifies the exact species of aquatic plant, and then applies the appropriate herbicide and algaecide at a specific rate and time to return a balance to the ecosystem, and improve conditions for your recreational use.
We utilize over 20 different herbicides and algaecides chosen for their selectivity which are all approved by the USEPA and State Environmental Agencies. This selectivity targets exotic, invasive plant species, or specific types of plants while minimizing impacts to non-target organisms.
LIFE Inc employs four experienced pesticide applicators, certified in the field of Aquatics and maintains pesticide applicator business licenses in New York and Connecticut. We operate boats from 12′ – 18′ all with specialized pesticide application systems. We treat water bodies ranging from the smallest backyard pond to 150-acre reservoirs and are staffed to provide immediate service.
If you live in the Hudson Valley, NYC or Connecticut and your pond or lake has unwanted weeds and algae contact LIFE Inc. Today.